Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pas e aaina - the invisibles

There is a thin line between stupidity and insensitivity. I think I crossed it the day I said "I have to go, it is getting dark outside" to the child I was reading to, in the Blind School in Delhi. What is 'dark'? he asked very casually. This question has stayed with me for longer than I can remember. It haunts me still. I had tried to explain that I meant 'late', but I had meant 'dark', hadn't I? What is 'dark'? And why did it scare me more than it did him?

Somehow, it is really not about having special places for special people. That would be racism of a sort, wouldn't it? It is about being able to share the whole world with them. They have as much right to it as we do. Yet we decide what is best for them because we refuse to tap our hearts and intellect for ways to deal with their needs. We refuse to learn the languages they speak. Instead we try and come up with devices to make them as much like us as possible. We would do well to introduce braille and sign language as optional subjects in school. We could have interactive workshops in schools and colleges where special children mingle with 'normal' children. But we'd rather skim the surface and do what we can, comfortably. I call us emotionally handicapped.

There is a world on the other side of the mirror but we prefer not to look. Perfect images, made to order, please our eyes so much more that we force parents of special children to sweep entire entities under the carpet with our insensitivity. We almost never see these children at malls and cinemas and birthday parties and parks. Why? I know they enjoy everything 'normal' children do, maybe differently, but definitely as much. Why do parents of these very special children rather they live in isolation or confinement than bring them out to face the world? What do these people fear?


And that, I think, is a shame.

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